All Greater Sayville residents grades 5-12 and student-aged organizations.
The mission of the Greater Sayville Junior Civic Association is to involve the youth of Sayville and West Sayville in the matters that affect our community. To give our youth an opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of Sayville and West Sayville and have a strong proactive voice. To offer community service opportunities regarding local, environmental, cultural and economic issues.
The Junior Civic will act as a liaison between school-aged students and clubs/organizations and community based organizations. We will provide an ongoing calendar of volunteer opportunities and proof of service credit. Junior Civic will meet up to four times per year to share information about grant opportunities and highlight issues that relate to our membership.
Sign up now using the form below:
- For regular updates for service credit opportunities
- Grant opportunities
- Proof of service credit opportunities provided
The GSJC will contact you with opportunities to actively engage in Sayville through community service.